Similar to behaviorism, in the cognitive learning theory there are a variety of variations. The similarities include the idea that information is received through the senses and stored in short-term memory until it is rehearsed and moved to long-term memory (Laureate, 2010a). Aspects that various researchers have contributed to the cognitive learning theories include duel coding and elaboration among others. These contributions are focused in the attempt to get students to transfer information from their short-term memory to their long-term memory. With the cognitive learning theories come a couple different instructional strategies that have been found to be effective.
Pitler, Hubbell, Kuhn, and Malenoski present the idea of using cues, questions, and advance organizers as a means to move information from a learner’s short-term to long-term memory. The idea behind these instructional strategies is that students find a way to connect the information they are learning with information that they already know (2007). This follows along the lines of elaboration theory. Dr. Orey explains that in making connections, the learner is more likely to be able to recall information (Laureate, 2010a). Concept mapping and advance organizers both allow students to connect information they already know with what they are learning.
A second instrucational strategy that Pitler et al. encourages educators to use is summarizing and note taking (2007). In using these, students are constantly analyzing and evaluating the importance of information they receive. Through this rehearsal, students are able to move information from their short-term to their long-term memory. These strategies also allow students to connect the information with information that they already know. Once again the ideas of elaboration theory are met. Students can also use their notes to summarize ideas through the use of concept maps. Novak and Canas discuss cross-links in concept maps and how they are important for students to see how different domains of a concept maps are connected (2008). In making connections, students are more able to recall the information.
Dr. Orey discusses the effectiveness of virtual field trips (Laureate, 2010b). Students can now experience situations that they were not able to in the past due to the internet and other media. By gaining formation by through reading, listening, and seeing pictures, the experience of virtual field trips gives the students information from multiple senses. This idea was explored through duel coding theory, which states that the learner is more likely to recall information that was gained through multiple senses (Laureate, 2010a).
Through exploring these instructional strategies, an educator should see the importance of making connections to previous experiences and gaining information through new experiences. As an educator, one should look to incorporate such activities and strategies to help students move important information from short-term to long-term memory.
Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010). Program five. Cognitive learning theory [Webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2010). Program six. Spotlight on technology: Virtual field trips [Webcast]. Bridging learning theory, instruction and technology. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Novak, J. D., & Cañas, A. J. (2008). The theory underlying concept maps and how to construct and use them, Technical Report IHMC CmapTools 2006-01 Rev 01-2008. Retrieved from the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition Web site:
Pitler, H., Hubbell, E., Kuhn, M., & Malenoski, K. (2007). Using technology with classroom instruction that works. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.